Sunday, June 29, 2008

June Holiday 4

Laughing, Jason held on tightly to his knife and walked towards Jack, who was already injured by Jason. He tried to move further away from Jason, but there was just not enough space to run away from him. Jason, laughed softly, "Finally, this was what i was waiting for. After how you have treated me." Jason moved another step and stopped.
"Goodbye, brother."

June Holiday 3

John laughed pointing at Jane. The students around her also pointed at her, whispering to each other.
Everyone started laughing. Jane was an obese girl who only had one bestfriend, Janet, and as long as she knew she had Janet to help her, she was contented and did not care of what others thought of her. However, all her friendship between Jane and her only friend was to change forever.

Jane had a terrible past that she did not want anyone to know. But only Janet knew. Only she knew, Jane thought, how did the other people even know that i have no parents? How? Only Janet could have told them. She cried, after questioning Janet about it. Jane knew, but still asked, not wanting to believe the truth that her friend betrayed her.

June holiday 2

Tears dropped down as Vivian recalled what happened. She kneeled down, crying, "Why must this happen? Why? Why?"

That day, when the incident happened, it was raining. Raining very heavily. Vivian had a fight with her grandfather in the morning and left the house angrily. When school ended, it was raining cats and dogs. Realising that Vivian had not brought her umbrella, he went out in the heavy rain to fetch her from school. Vivian stood outside the school gate, not knowing what to do as she forgot to bring her umbrella.

However, when she saw grandfather, she ran, not wanting to face him as she was still angry with him. Her grandfather, seeing that she was running away, got very worried and ran across the road. Everything happened so fast.

June holiday 1

Vivian was a rebellious child. She lost her parents when she was young and her grandfather was the only family she had. However, she always felt that her grandfather caused the death of her parents and thus always did not respect him. She blamed him. And yet her grandfather still showered his love on her, even though she always threw tandrums on him.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


He was jocose and a person filled with candor. However, no one knew why he was being malign as the person who stole a wallet. Everyone knew he would not do such a thing. He was a boy with such decorum that many who knew him would not try to destroy him. But then again, people were starting to doubt him. Could he be a charlatan and deceive people that he was a nice boy? No one knew.


She was a happy-go-lucky girl, who was usually so garrulous and was always dilettante in whatever things she did. However, that was before she found out about her illness, and now, she is always in a state of apathy, not willing to do anything. Once a cheerful girl who was filled with bliss, has now given up on herself, becoming an obese and pessimistic person.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


John looked at his results sedately, tears dropped one by one onto the piece of paper. His mother was insatiable, however well he had done for the examinations, she was never satisfied. He looked up and looked at his disgruntled mother, "I dont understand! I've got 90 and you are still not satisfied!" John suddenly blew up, eradicating every chance of his mother scolding him. He was sick and tired of his irrational mother, and stormed out of the house.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Jane smiled proudly as she climbed up the last step. "Finally!"she said to herself and smiled, looking down at all the puny villages from the pinnacle of the mountain. She always made sure that she was loaded for beer before starting the climb usually with a voluminous bagpack, and this time was not an exception. This ardent mountain climber always never fail to evince an exultation about the view from the top. Jane breathed in the fresh air deeply, lied down and closed her eyes.


Feeling lethargic, Tim threw his bag on the ground and lied on the sofa. His mother, after seeing that he forgot to close the gate, said with hostility,"How could you be so remiss to close the gate? What if our dog runs out?" Tim got up, expecting a nag from his mother, it was inevitable, he thought. He closed the gate, evincing a irritation.


Jack walked with caution as he passed the debris caused by the volcano eruption. This eruption had caused the whole village to be obliterated. It was a deplorable sight as the village was destroyed by the conflagration caused by the lava.


"This is so bizarre!" the teacher said, looking at the artifact that John brought back. "Its so absurd, I found this in the middle of the street,"he said. A crowd gathered around the teacher, looking at the strange inanimate artifact. The teacher, after a while, announced that sending the artifact to the museum is imperative as they would know what to do with it.


Jane looked at her father's grave. It has been a decade since his mortality. Jane's father had died in an accident while saving Jane's life. Eversince that day, Jane became neurotic, refusing to talk to anyone including her mother, who was the only one to bring back the bacon. Her mother, seeing her like that, suddenly got her back up and scolded her. "You are not the only one who is sad about him, all of us are. But we still have to carry on with our lives!" She shouted. Jane kept quiet then enunciated," Sorry mother."

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Being a girl who loves things to be neat and tidy, Vivian left with the house in apple pie order. However, when she came back, the house was in a dreadful mess. Sean who was in the house all the time, fabricated a lie that a dog ran into the house and messed up the place. Not only that he lied, he also tried apple polishing Vivian to escape her punishments. This sudden actions of Sean made Vivian suspicious of him but she kept quiet. Sean continued trying to delude her and not acknowledge that he was the one who did it.


Jack entered the lush house. He was amazed as to how the old rundown house he had when he was in destitution turned into such a beautiful and luxurious house after selling it away to a wealthy man in a remarkable metamorphosis. The new owners of this house had pondered over whether to buy over the house, but they still bought it anyway and even renovated it, this was a salvation for Jack as he badly needed money.